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Writing Hacks: How To Train Yourself To Write Better

Write Better

Developing the skill of writing is an important step in mastering any language. Writing can help you express yourself in creative ways and can even help you to make an impact on a larger scale.

Whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply a language enthusiast, improving your writing can be beneficial.

In this article, we’ll discuss a few simple writing hacks that can help you train yourself to become a better writer.

From developing a regular writing habit to taking time to reflect on your work, we’ll provide tips on how to make the most out of your writing journey. So, let’s get started!

Develop a Writing Habit

Write Better
Write Better (Source: Canva Pro / Google)

Writing Habit is Essential

Having a writing habit is essential to becoming a better writer. Writing regularly is the best way to improve your craft, increase your confidence, and start building a portfolio.

How to Get Started

Creating a writing habit doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here are some tips for getting started:

  • Set aside time each day to write. You don’t have to write for hours, even 15 minutes is enough.
  • Find a writing environment that works for you. It could be a quiet corner in your home or a coffee shop.
  • Use the Pomodoro technique to break your writing time into manageable chunks.
  • Start with a creative warmup exercise like freewriting or a writing prompt.
  • Start small. Don’t try to write a masterpiece right away.

Staying Motivated

Motivation is key to developing a consistent writing habit. Here are some ideas for staying motivated:

  • Start a writing group or buddy up with other writers.
  • Set achievable goals, like writing X words a day or completing X drafts.
  • Keep a writing journal and track your progress.
  • Reward yourself for reaching milestones, like finishing a chapter or completing a draft.
  • Take a break when you need one, but don’t let it turn into procrastination.

By taking the time to build a strong writing habit, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a better writer. With practice and dedication, you can improve your skills and make writing a part of your daily routine.

Think About Your Goals

When it comes to becoming a better writer, having clear goals is essential. To figure out your writing goals, you’ll need to ask yourself a few questions.

What do you want to achieve with your writing? What do you want your readers to take away from your work? Are you looking to publish a novel, or develop a blog?

Once you answer these questions, you’ll be able to create a vision for your writing and measure your progress.

By having clear goals, you’ll be able to stay focused on what you want to achieve. You’ll be able to set specific goals and deadlines.

You can also identify areas where you need to focus more, as well as areas where you need to improve. This will help you become a better writer in the long term.

For example, if you want to become a better fiction writer, you might set a goal to complete a short story by a certain date.

You can also set a goal to enter a writing contest, or get published in a magazine. By having measurable goals, you’ll be able to track your progress and adjust your plan accordingly.

Another way to measure progress is to keep track of the words you write each day. Try to write at least 500 words a day, or set a goal to complete a certain number of pages within a certain time frame.

You can also measure your progress by tracking the number of drafts you write, or the number of articles you submit for publication.

Having clear goals is an important part of becoming a better writer. By setting specific goals and tracking your progress, you’ll be able to stay focused and motivated.

This will help you achieve your writing goals and make you a better writer.

Read and Study Writing

Reading can be one of the most beneficial and rewarding activities when it comes to improving your writing. It can provide you with a window into other styles and techniques, and give you an opportunity to learn from the work of some of the greatest writers.

Finding Books and Authors to read can be tricky. You can start by searching online for recommendations from other readers and writers, or looking at best-seller lists for popular books.

You can also look up writing blogs or articles, and follow the authors whose work you enjoy.

Taking Notes when you read is an excellent way to digest and remember what you come across. As you read, keep a notebook with you and jot down quotes, descriptions, or any other details that stand out.

This will help you to remember the information and also provide you with ideas and inspiration for your own writing.

Learning from Your Reading can be a great way to increase your knowledge and help you to develop your own writing style.

As you read, take note of any techniques or ideas that you find interesting and try to incorporate these into your own work. You can also ask yourself questions about the writing and take the time to explore possible answers.

Reading can open up a whole new world of possibilities and inspire you to create something extraordinary. Taking the time to read and study writing can be a great way to train yourself to write better.

Practice and Experiment

Practicing your writing is essential to getting better. But you also need to reach beyond your comfort zone and experiment with different writing styles.

This can help you become a more versatile writer and discover new techniques and approaches. Here are a few tips on how to practice and experiment with writing.

  • Start by writing regularly. Set aside a specific time each day to write and stick to it. Even if you don’t feel inspired, it’s important to keep writing and build up the habit.
  • Look for opportunities to practice your writing. This could include writing short stories, essays, blog posts, or even emails. The more you practice, the more you’ll learn.
  • Join writing groups and take writing classes. This can help you get feedback from other writers and learn new techniques.
  • Take time to experiment with different writing styles. Try out different genres and forms to see what works best for you.
  • Challenge yourself to write in new ways. Push yourself to use unfamiliar words and explore different points of view.
  • Reflect on each piece of writing you create. Ask yourself what worked well and what didn’t. This can help you understand what works for you and improve your writing.

It’s important to remember that practice and experimentation is a process. You won’t become a better writer overnight, but with dedication and hard work, you can develop your writing skills and become a more confident and accomplished writer.

Learn From Feedback

Getting Feedback

Getting feedback is an essential part of becoming a better writer. It can provide you with invaluable insights on how to improve your writing.

It can also help you discover what works and what doesn’t in your writing. To get feedback, you can ask for it from friends and family, submit your work in social media groups, or pay for professional editing services.

Tip: To get the most out of feedback, make sure to send your work to multiple people with different perspectives. This will help you to get a more well-rounded view of your writing.

Analyzing and Acting on Feedback

Once you have received feedback, it’s important to take the time to analyze it. You should consider each point of feedback and determine if it’s something you want to act on.

If it is, you should make the necessary changes to your writing. If not, you can disregard the feedback.

Tip: For tips on how to give feedback, consider taking a class or reading blog posts about giving feedback. This will help you to give more effective feedback when the time comes.

Transition words can also help to make your writing more effective. They can help to connect ideas, emphasize points, and give your writing a sense of flow. Examples of transition words include “additionally”, “furthermore”, “however”, and “therefore”.

Tip: To practice using transition words, try writing a few sentences with them. This will help you to get used to using them in your writing.

Take Time to Reflect

Reflection is a key part of the writing process. Taking the time to reflect on your work is essential for making progress as a writer. Reflection helps you to identify what you did well and what you can improve upon.

Identifying Self-Improvement Areas Reflection is a great way to identify areas where you can improve. It can help you to assess your writing and decide what needs to be changed or addressed.

It also allows you to recognize what went well in your writing and celebrate your achievements.

Staying Motivated Taking time to reflect on your writing can also help you stay motivated. This can be done by setting goals and celebrating accomplishments.

You can also use reflection to identify areas where you have grown and become a better writer.

Realistic Expectations Reflection can help you to set realistic expectations for yourself. You can reflect on your progress and determine if your goals are achievable. This can help to reduce stress and anxiety related to writing.

Making Adjustments Reflection is also a great way to make adjustments to your writing. You can reflect on what you’ve written and use the insights you gain to make changes.

This can be done by editing and reworking sentences, paragraphs, and entire sections of your work.

Gaining Perspective Reflection can also help you to gain a better perspective on your writing. This can be done by taking a step back and looking at your work from a different angle.

So, this can give you new ideas and help you to understand your writing from a different point of view.

Conclusion Taking time to reflect on your writing is essential for becoming a better writer.

It can help you to identify areas where you can improve, stay motivated, set realistic expectations, and make adjustments to your writing. Reflection can also help you to gain new perspective on your writing.


Writing is a skill that takes time to perfect. It can be daunting to know where to start and difficult to stay motivated.

But, by focusing on developing a writing habit, setting goals, reading and studying writing, practicing and experimenting, learning from feedback, and taking time to reflect, you can train yourself to become a better writer.

Start by building a writing habit and setting clear goals so you can measure your progress. Then, read and study writing to learn from experienced authors.

Practice and experiment with different writing styles along the way. Take time to reflect on your work, and seek out feedback when you can.

Using these strategies, you can learn to understand your strengths and weaknesses, and use the rhetorical triad — ethos, pathos, logos — to create powerful writing.

By training yourself to write better, you are investing in yourself and giving yourself the ability to express yourself in a meaningful way.

Writing better doesn’t happen overnight. But, by applying the strategies outlined in this article, you can slowly build your writing skills and become the writer you’ve always wanted to be.

Make sure to visit Rhetorical Triad to learn more about the importance of the rhetorical triad in writing. You can also visit Copyblogger to find more tips on how to develop your writing skills.